6 Easy Fiverr Gig Ideas to Earn Money

Fiverr is an easy place to make money selling almost anything you want as long as you know how to market your gig. Fiverr has over 6 million people that are looking at gigs, I bet some of those people would be willing to pay for your services if it’s something they need. Don’t believe me? Let’s look at some of the Fiverr categories and see what we can come up with.

How to make money on Fiverr


There are over 6 Million people selling services on Fiverr, so earning an income from it can be hard. I put together a list of my top ways to make money online through things you already do every day. Check them out below and start making that extra cash. 


6 Easy Fiverr Gig Ideas to Earn Money


1) Freelance web research


If you’re looking for a way to generate some quick cash, consider selling your research skills. Some numerous websites and applications will allow you to do just that. Essentially, all you need is a computer and an internet connection, along with access to search engines like Google or Bing. With these tools at your disposal, it’s up to you how much information you want to dig up and how much of an expert in a specific topic area (or market) you want to be. The more research experience or expertise in an area that you have, however, the more attractive your services become.


2) Start doing voiceovers


Many businesses need voiceovers for commercials, video games, or just about anything else that needs a human voice. If you have a good speaking voice and can put on a good performance (even if it’s simply reading words off of a script), there are lots of people who will pay you to record their projects. This is especially true if you’re able to work in different voices. Even better: You can often create multiple gigs at once by setting up auditions where freelancers compete for your job posting by recording short phrases and sending them back to you.


3) Transcribe Audio Files


Think you could keep up with a talk-show host? You can let other people know what they missed while they were out having coffee or watching TV. Tons of platforms offer transcription services, and most of them hire remote workers. Sure, you might not get paid much per audio file, but it adds up quickly if you’re looking for part-time work on your own schedule. Plus, some sites—like Rev—will transcribe video files for you as well. (To get started finding these jobs, check out our favorite transcription services that hire remote workers.)


4) Create Infographics or Vectors


If you’re looking for a great way to establish your design abilities and create a professional portfolio, think about creating high-quality designs on sites like Fiverr or PeoplePerHour. This can be perfect for targeting small businesses who want some visuals created but don’t have much budget. Sites like these are also great places to build a network and land bigger clients in the future. Create a compelling profile showcasing your strengths as a designer to get started. You can include mock-ups of what you might do for clients and links back to your Instagram or Behance account where people can see more of your work. Then, start reaching out!


5) Create Memes


Writing funny memes is an extremely popular and highly lucrative service on Fiverr. Funny images with a witty, relatable caption can be shared hundreds of thousands of times, which means a lot of opportunity for exposure. Posting these on your own personal social media pages will spread awareness about your gigs, as well. That said, make sure you’re okay with potentially graphic or racy content. You also want to make sure that you aren’t too off-topic for whatever page you share them on; if it doesn’t fit in with what people are usually sharing there, it might get flagged and removed quickly.


6) Design Web Banners


A web banner is an advertisement placed on a web page, generally in a rectangular region or even within an image. Because they appear on websites of all sizes and across many types of organizations, banners provide one of your best chances of reaching a wide audience. When you’re creating a banner for yourself, think about what service you provide, who you want to target, and how you can create something attractive but not too distracting from your website’s main message. If someone clicks on your banner ad, make sure that it takes them somewhere relevant—don’t just send them to your homepage.



Find Freelance Work – Need help with a personal or professional project? You can search for freelance work on freelance sites like Upwork, Elance, Guru, and more. It’s a competitive market, but one where you can find some great projects. If you’re just starting out as a freelancer, it’s important to do your research and get feedback from others in the field on how much your skills are worth.

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