How to Get Millions of Traffic to your Website | Experience Own

It’s no secret that Google loves sites with lots of visitors, so if you want to be listed high on the search engine results pages, you need to attract as many people as possible to your website.


Getting millions of traffic to your site can be quite challenging, but there are actually some simple strategies you can use to build traffic at scale—all it takes is some time and hard work on your part! This guide will show you how to get millions of traffic to your website using tried-and-true methods that you can start using today. Let’s begin!

How to Get Millions of Visitors to Your Website


Have a Niche


If you want lots of traffic, you need a niche. Let’s say your site is about football. You’re not going to get millions of visitors coming in if you don’t focus on one particular area or topic. So if it’s football shoes and cleats, then focus only on that. Don’t try to cover everything from how they are made to who makes them best. Here is the best niche for Affiliate Marketing.


Just stick with what your website is about: Football Shoes and Cleats. Make sure there are no other sites out there covering that same subject matter because if there are chances are they will be getting more traffic than you.


The domain name should be relevant


It’s not at all uncommon for someone to spend months creating a website, only to choose a domain name that doesn’t include their keywords. Search engines now factor in traffic from social media, so ensure your link is being shared on every relevant platform.


Think about how your audience will search for you and make sure your content answers their questions directly. For example, if your site is about tech start-ups but you’re having trouble ranking for tech start-ups, maybe you should use how to launch a tech start-up or even (gasp!) a step-by-step guide on how to launch a tech start-up. Just be sure those are real search queries people are using—you don’t want clicks from bots!




To learn how to get traffic to your website, you need to get started with keyword research. Keyword research is a process used by many search engine optimization (SEO) experts and online marketers that entails brainstorming and researching keywords that can help your website rank higher in search engines like Google. Selecting specific keywords for your business can be difficult at first, but it’s an essential component of growing traffic.


If you want more people to visit your site and read what you have to say, focus on these four SEO factors when choosing keywords: searcher intent; searcher location; competition level; and market potential. Looking at each factor carefully will help you avoid making incorrect assumptions about how effective certain keywords are for generating traffic.


Create great content


Conduct keyword research based on your audience and potential competition. If you’re looking for general traffic, it doesn’t hurt to go broad and include less competitive keywords in your post. However, if you’re trying to attract a specific demographic that’s highly targeted, you’ll want to focus on more niche (and therefore less competitive) terms.


The choice is up to you – in either case, it’s essential that your content be written for human readers first, search engines second! Do not use all-caps for headlines or keyword stuffing. That practice has been frowned upon by Google for a long time now. To ensure that your articles are easily found by future readers via search engines, be sure all headlines include your target keywords within them.


Create a process


Setting up a formal process for promoting your website means that you can start to measure how much traffic you’re getting from each channel, then start experimenting with different channels. If you do that and you find a channel that works better than others, then you can commit more resources to it. For example, maybe Twitter is bringing in 1 million visitors per month at very little cost. In other words, if 1 million visitors at $0 cost $0 and bring in $1 million/month while Facebook brings in 1 million visitors at $10 per visitor (and costs $10) then it might make sense to invest 10x as much time on Twitter as Facebook.


It also helps you identify which channels are worth investing money into – such as PPC or Google Adwords. You could spend $100/day on Google Adwords and get 100,000 visitors who arrive at your site via paid ads – but if they don’t convert into customers, then that’s not really worth it. So set up a process for how to get millions of traffic to your website by setting benchmarks based on what you already know about how people arrive at your site.


Experiment with different tactics


There are a lot of things you can do to increase your website traffic, but they all depend on what your website is about. If you’re targeting an existing audience—say, avid dog lovers who love product reviews—it might be enough to post new content on social media and use search engine optimization (SEO) techniques like meta tags and keyword stuffing.


But if you want more traffic from brand-new visitors, it’s worth experimenting with different tactics like guest blogging on other websites or participating in online community discussions. A little experimentation could go a long way toward generating serious amounts of web traffic for your site.


Develop relationships with influencers


It may seem obvious, but there are many reasons why you should pay attention to influencers. They have massive followings and they’re constantly in touch with their audience, so they know exactly what their followers like—and don’t like. Influencers can help you reach an entirely new audience and share your website content with people who otherwise wouldn’t have known about it.


As a result, they can bring you thousands of visitors every month without any extra effort on your part. And if that weren’t enough, influencers also have well-established relationships with other influencers; think of it as a referral network! This means that if you work closely with one influencer, he or she is more likely to promote your content to others in exchange for something similar from you.


Have an email strategy


There’s no way around it: if you want your website to get traffic, you need an email strategy. It is possible to drive lots of traffic through search engines and social media, but unless your content is able to convert that traffic into leads and customers, it doesn’t matter how much traffic you bring in. That’s why email is so important—it converts like nothing else! For example, one study found that a single email increased the average order value by 21%. Do some research and build an email strategy.


Collaborate with others


Creating an online presence means you’re competing for attention with billions of people around the world. Unfortunately, you can’t do it alone. Collaboration is an important part of marketing, both online and off. It’s likely that at some point during your business-creation process someone else will offer to help—and there’s no reason not to take them up on it. Look at it as a chance to build your network and get more exposure while helping someone else out along the way. The more you give, after all, the more you receive in return. A win-win situation!



In short, you need to promote your website. Some go with social media while others choose SEO. Regardless of which way you decide is best for you, just make sure that you put enough effort into it in order to get results. The most important thing is that you don’t give up! There are a lot of people who may disagree with your methods but don’t let that discourage you; just because someone else isn’t successfully doing it a certain way doesn’t mean that it won’t work for you! Be determined and take your time, and one day soon millions will be coming to your website every month!

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