10 Ways to Make Extra Money From Home Legitimately

If you’re looking to make extra money from home, there are plenty of ways to do it. Some of them are perfectly legal, while others are less so – and possibly even illegal, depending on your country or region. It’s important to understand the law if you want to stay out of trouble as well as get paid, so read this guide on 10 ways to make extra money from home legitimately to learn more about your options and what could work best for you.

10 Ways to Make Extra Money From Home Legitimately


1) Become A Virtual Assistant


If you’re looking for an online job that can supplement your income or provide you with a full-time paycheck, becoming a virtual assistant might be for you. A virtual assistant performs administrative tasks such as making phone calls, scheduling appointments, and taking notes for others. Virtual assistants also keep their bosses’ calendars organized by updating contact information and arranging meetings. They are vital resources when starting or running a business since they free up time that could otherwise be spent on office work. To make extra money from home legitimately, consider working as a virtual assistant. You can apply your administrative skills while gaining experience—all while helping those who need it!


2) Sell Products on Etsy and Earn Daily 100$


You can earn an easy 100$ or more every day by setting up a small online store on Etsy. Since they allow anyone to sell handmade and vintage items there, you will find it extremely easy to set up your online shop. All you need is an idea of what kind of products you want to sell and a computer connected to the internet. A better way to make extra money from home legitimately is through Etsy. is by adding multiple shops at a time. If you have been wondering how to make extra money from home legitimately then selling stuff on Etsy is one of the best options for you.


3) Amazon FBA Business Make 1000$ 


This is a great method of making extra money from home legitimately, and it’s also an opportunity to start a business while doing it. Amazon FBA businesses have hundreds of products that you can sell on Amazon with very little capital investment. For example, say you decide to make t-shirts for a few weeks and make about $50 per day. In about a month or so you could pay back your initial cost of supplies and then be well on your way to making a steady income from selling shirts at $15 each. If you were able to do 50 days’ worth of shirts in that same amount of time, you would have made over 5000 dollars! That’s what an Amazon FBA business is all about.


4) Work As A TaskRabbit Gig Worker


If you’re looking for an at-home job, TaskRabbit might be right for you. TaskRabbits are people who perform small tasks in exchange for payment. These jobs could include anything from sorting through Craigslist listings to packing boxes and cleaning up yards. If you’re interested in becoming a TaskRabbit, start by filling out their interest form so that your information can be submitted to local task rabbit offices across America. Once you’ve completed your profile, you will be able to see relevant opportunities in your area or fill out a general application that could go into consideration when making new task assignments on TaskRabbit. Read more about how Task Rabbits can make money from home here.


5) Write eBooks and Make Money


Making money on your own terms is something that everyone wants, but very few people can achieve. One of the best ways that you can make a stable income online is by creating and selling your own eBooks or other digital product. You can market these products in just about any niche, using a variety of marketing strategies, including affiliate marketing (which we discuss more below). As you grow your business and gain experience, it will be easier for you to take advantage of these strategies—and when you do so, many of them can pay for themselves. For example, with an eBook selling business (like selling eBooks from ClickBank), once you have established some core elements like the writing style and category selection; then making changes as needed based on what works best is easy as pie!


6) Create a Niche Site

Another option is to start a niche site. This means you will target a smaller segment of people and serve them with dedicated content that solves their problems or provides necessary information for them. Niche sites are usually well-researched, have higher conversion rates, and can be monetized using affiliate marketing. To create a successful niche site, you will have to choose something which interests you and for which people are willing to pay money online. Research keywords and make sure your domain name is related to your keyword so that it’s easy for potential visitors to find your website. The next step is getting quality content on your website to get visitors in the first place and keep them there.


7) Set Up Affiliate Links


Best Affiliate marketing, while not technically a form of freelance work, is an amazing way to earn extra money from home. To get started with affiliate marketing you’ll want to register for an account on a program like ClickBank. Once you have your account set up and find products you’re interested in, simply create a free website (like WordPress) and start plugging away at your content. The advantage of using an existing platform is that you can easily track how many sales your affiliate links are generating via analytics programs like Google Analytics or Conversion Logic (depending on which affiliate network you’re using). That makes it easy for companies like Amazon to pay out large commissions.


8) Sell Your Art on Etsy or at Craft Fairs


If you have a knack for crafting or making art, you could make some money doing it. If your work is on par with Etsy sellers, for example, it could be worth selling through that venue; if you’re less experienced, consider selling through craft fairs. Either way, your products will be more authentic than those in plastic bubbles and they’ll also have more value. And don’t worry: if your art’s a flop (or if you’re not that into it), most craft fairs take just five to ten percent of sales as commissions—you can leave it all on your table when it comes time to pack up at night. Oh, and did we mention there are more holiday festivals every year and many of them offer free admission?


9 – 10) Do Odd Jobs on TaskRabbit


TaskRabbit is a marketplace that brings together individuals who need help with tasks and freelancers who are willing to complete them. As a Tasker, you might be asked to run an errand or pick up some packages—whatever your expertise. If you have a skill that can translate into running errands or performing other simple tasks, it’s worth signing up for TaskRabbit. You can earn anywhere from $5 an hour up to $100 an hour depending on what your skills are and what kind of job you take on. Just make sure you read all of TaskRabbit’s policies before signing up so you know exactly how much money you can expect to make.




In conclusion, there are plenty of ways you can make extra money fast from home, just be wary and diligent in your efforts. Never pay fees for a job, it’s almost always a scam. Always use common sense and best practices when taking on any new opportunity. As long as you do so, you can rest assured that earning extra money from home is both possible and legal. Now get out there and start making some cash!


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